Christmas Eve was beautiful and sunny this year. We started the day by heading down to Sea World! Our passes were very close to expiring, so we wanted to go one last time. We love Sea World in December because they change all the shows to Christmas theme and there is even a snowy wonderland where the kids can sled and throw snowballs! Going to Sea World all year has been a wonderful treat for our family! It was a very sweet morning with just our little family.... but the kids wore out early. I think they were secretly wanting to get home to open up their stockings from Grammy and Papa- a Christmas Eve tradition! Grammy is so talented at stuffing those stocking full of special, fun items that the kids love so much. Watching the kids open their stockings always reminds me of my youth and how excited I was to open the stocking my Grandma put together for each of us on Christmas Eve. It also makes me a little sad because I picture all of the cousins together opening up their stockings at Grammy and Papa's house! I'm the only sibling who lives outside of WA, darn it! Thankfully, I try to focus on the fact that our family is great at visiting so frequently. Moving on.....
After opening up stockings, the kids worked together to decorate a big gingerbread house and then we baked a home-made pizza! The kids loved rolling out the dough and picking out their own toppings. We set the special table and used candles and sparkling cider. It was very sweet. Earlier, I had wrapped up a big box with popcorn, hot cocoa, new pajamas, and new cocoa mugs for the kids to open on Christmas eve. They were thrilled! We read together the scriptures and watched a movie about the Savior's birth. It was so sweet and cozy. Such a special night! I let the kids stay up late to watch The Santa Clause. They had trouble falling asleep afterwards, as one might assume! Cute to see them all sleeping together in one bed!! They really didn't get much sleep though! I think they fell asleep at 11 and woke at 6... yikes! Didn't leave much time for Blake and I to assemble and set up "Christmas" but we did make it happen, as we always do!
2 years ago