Well... it's that blessed time of year when we don't have to wake at the crack of dawn, pack never-ending school lunches, or sit at the kitchen table studying math facts all afternoon! Summer is my FAVORITE time of year! The kids enjoyed all sorts of fun activities that last week before they let out. Dane had his traditional kite-flying/donut eating party. We love Ms. Blais. So happy that she will be returning as Dane's 3rd grade teacher! He's now had her for 1st, 2nd and will have her for 3rd! How did we get so lucky? She's amazing. Love Dane's tender little note to her (below). This summer you will find Dane playing soccer two to three nights a week, practicing basketball on a summer team with little bro, and coached by Dad! Playing golf with Dad, swimming , teaching Grant how to play chess (new passion), attending Cub Scout Day camp, and collecting/polishing rocks with his new rock polisher papa gave him! Oh, and of course, winning his first soccer championship!!
Evelyn enjoyed a swim party that last week of school with the entire 4th grade class- she sure loves close friends- Marilyn Casamalhuapa and Jessica Swenson. Ev's also really enjoyed her teacher, Ms. Baker. I loved the very reasonable amount of homework! Ev is just about as smart as they come. So proud of her and her responsible attitude towards her school work. I never once needed to ask her if she had accomplished it! I took a picture (below) of a few cute writing samples from the past year.
What will Ev be doing with her free time this summer? Oh... knitting for sure! She always has a knitting project in mind and just finished a darling green sweater. Now she is working on a blue cardigan.... and a hat for Jess and Mike's new baby arriving this fall. You might also find her studying German with Ava who speaks fluently (a summer goal for her) and learning to play the guitar (another goal). Teaching the kids origami, taking sewing classes from our friends- the Swensons, dancing jazz, taking voice/piano from Sister Miles, and swimming like mad 3-4 nights a week for swim team! Busy girl~!
Grant is in heaven with so much free time. You might find him outside shooting hoops pretty much all day every day. He is such a basketball fanatic! Toys no longer interest Grant in the slightest. Give him a soccer ball, football or basketball and he's happy. And boy is he ever passionate about his sports. He is such a natural at golfing and is a hoot on the course-- we get frequent comments on his awesome skills for such a youngin'. Grant's biggest goal this year is to work on his swim strokes so that he is able to join the swim team with big bro and sis! He is so excited for this and truly works his little heart out! Love to watch Grant at the beach or pool... he has NO fear and is always the kid way out in the middle of the ocean with his boogie board or just about to jump off a cliff! Always up for an adventure.
Anna's biggest goal for the summer is for certain- POTTY TRAINING! Man, that girl is struggling. She has an entire team of cheerleaders-- especially Ev and Dane rooting for her. But alas, no success as of yet. I think I've probably been easier on her than I was on my other children. Maybe because she's my last? Maybe because of all of the eye issues? Right now she is such a good sport while being patched 2-4 hours a day. Never complaining even when we are swimming and it's gotta be uncomfortable. She is scheduled for eye surgery (both eyes) this September.... to tighten the optic nerve which will hopefully align the eyes more directly than the patch or glasses. Both options have partially worked, but not to the degree the doctor's would like. It's been a little stressful for this mom, but all is well and I know we can get through this!
Anna is absolutely such a treasure and seriously has the biggest fans in her brothers and big sis. Last month Grandma and Grandpa bought her a big Sofia Lego set which she couldn't quite build.... boy, within seconds her two big bros dropped everything to build it for her. And that's really the story of her life. She is adored by all! Love the sweet little dress that my friend DESIGNED and sewed for Anna! It is her favorite. Anna's time this summer will be spent playing princesses, watching Sofia the First, jumping on the trampoline, and learning to swim! She is being so brave!
Last day of school was wonderfully fun! The kids came home to some fun summer festivities.... I had found a cute little luck charms to present them with, as well as kendomas for the boys and yarn for Ev. We traveled up to Grandma's house for a fun day of swimming and Chuck E Cheese! Now tell me.... what could be more exciting than this? Truly the best! Love having these sweet little kiddos home all day every day. They are the joy of my life and make my world bright. I think so highly of each of them and feel blessed to spend my days in their company.