Tuesday, May 3, 2016

April Happenings

This time of year is always so busy and full.  I never want to come across as complaining about the fullness!  It's just that I genuinely feel like my life moves at a frantic pace.  On Sunday I said to Blake... "if I can just get through this Saturday!"  His reply:  "I hate to break it to you, but every week with you is busy ! That's your life right now!"  

Ha!  I really don't want to "get through" life! I want to enjoy it, but at times it does feel like each week is a race to the finish line and phew! I made it through! Now to the next week.  I'm working on slowing down and changing habits to make room for more peace and calm.  I'll keep you posted on that.  A few wonderful events that made the month busy but that I wouldn't change for the world was our visits with the Bruce family, the Lappin family and with my sister Michelle (and cute baby Olive).  

I hadn't spent good quality time with Kristen and Dan since their visit to AZ when Evelyn was just a baby.  Considering we were best of friends all through dental school- we both claimed it was terrible that we hadn't been in closer touch!  We had such a wonderful few days getting to know their three darling children (Allie, Luke and Hayley) and catching up on everything that's been going on in their lives.  Fun that our kids got along so well! Especially Dane and Luke... they were like the same kid. All of our children were super duper into racing and running.  We spent a good majority of the time running at the beach and playing soccer.

 Haha, I roped Kristen in to drawing Yoda for me (teacher appreciation door decor).  She didn't think she could come stay with us and not have to pay some sort of price, right?  The crazy thing about a good close friend is that it really doesn't matter how long it's been--- you pick up right where you left off.  I love this family and was so happy to spend time with them!

Shortly after the Bruces left, we enjoyed a visit from Aunt Michelle and cousin Olive!  It's been quite a while since Michelle was here last and it was really so much fun to spend a few days with her!  Michelle is always up for anything.  Of course we forced her to bake cookies for us... and Anna took her on as her personal hair and sidewalk chalk assistant the entire stay.  Anna absolutely loved having Michelle and Olive here.  It was cute to watch the two little girls together.  Others in the family were big fans of Olive as well.  Dane was such a sweetheart with his little cousin.  She kept saying, "come on!"  and instructing him to follow her wherever she went.  Olive was full of energy and loved playing outside.  She is a beautiful little girl and it was so special to get to spend that time together. A favorite little adventure was La Jolla beach on Michelle's last day.  Olive loved every moment!  We also enjoyed going out to dinner and dessert sans kids!  And shopping all day at the mall!  Such a vacation!  Thank you Michelle for flying down to see us!

Last but not least.... such a FUN FUN time was had with the Lappin family visiting all the way from New York!  When I think of New York, I simply always have a picture of this family in my mind.  They were our apartment neighbors-- literally our doors were across the way from one another on the same landing.  And speaking of our doors-- they were always open.  We basically lived together for those few years- ha!  We hadn't seen them since we moved and it was just so incredibly awesome to catch up and give them big hugs.  I wish they didn't live so far.  We enjoyed a wonderful day at the Perry's home (they also lived in the same apartment but downstairs... now they live here in San Diego).  Carolina cooked an amazing seafood meal and the kids swam and played all afternoon.  Such a treat!  Love these families.

In other happenings... the kids are getting so good at listening to conference!  We enjoyed the day at the Millers for lunch and then just quietly reflecting on the words of our prophet.  A special weekend!

Evelyn has continued to be our little baker! She experiments all the time with various recipes.  She is quite the pro now with pancakes and fried eggs and she has vowed to make this breakfast every morning for the kids next year if I only agree to homeschool her- ha!  This month she tried her hand at princess popcorn for Anna's party.  It was delicious!  Evelyn is preparing for her role as Wendy in Peter Pan coming up Memorial Day weekend.  We were excited to go see the play performed by another cast earlier in the month.  Ev is working relentlessly to memorize her lines and prepare for her part. So proud of her.  

I think one of Evie's favorite things to do is invite friends over for s'mores. It's a constant request and one that we are almost always willing to oblige. For Grandma's birthday this month, Evelyn created this sweet little quote she had seen on line somewhere.  She's spent every Saturday at the gymnasium for open gym... working on her flips and ariels.  Anna's joined in on the fun as well!  It's just part of our weekend routine--- games for the boys, the gym for the girls.  One last item of note-- Troy's girlfriend Catie taught Evelyn how to sew this month! It was such a treat for Evelyn and we were so grateful to Catie for donating her time and energy to one little girl who was beyond thrilled to put together her very own messenger bag.  This was not an easy project!   

Dane and Grant have had a busy busy month with flag football going strong and also an increase in soccer practices!  Both work hard and rarely complain. Currently, Dane is working towards earning enough money to buy his own fitbit. An obsession that takes over every day after school.  He'll weed, do household chores, you name it! Grant is equally obsessed with earning money.  Most likely because he's quick to follow along with anything and everything big bro does!   Also of high interest to both boys is the garden that they have planted in our backyard.  The boys have cantaloupe, cucumbers, watermelon, pumpkins, oregano, basil, along with all sorts of other veggies, herbs and fruits I can't think of at the moment... all lined up in a row and growing strong.  Dane and Grant know all about how to plant and tend to this garden. It is just darling to watch them so involved.  In fact, the other day I said- "Dane, I know you don't want to go to the doctor, if you do I'll buy you a treat!"  And he retorted back, "could you buy me a plant instead?"  Ha!  Just what any mother would like to hear.  Both boys are  natural green thumbs.  Dane has also been working on economics in school and created his own cute little business plan in which he and a buddy worked to sell paper airplanes.  They were top sellers in their class and Dane was so proud.  I guess like father, like son!  Blake has always been an excellent business man! Grant has continued to astound parents and children alike on the football field.  Coming from a very biased mother- but still, the kid is amazing out there!  It is so fun to watch our little man running the show both in soccer and football.  He is hard working and devoted to all that he does.  Love both of these boys and all of their sweet little interests.  Their interests become my own and I've learned more about football, gardening, soccer, etc, then I ever imagined I would!

As for little Anna, she gave her first talk in church this month.  Evelyn absolutely insisted on being the one to help.  Let me tell you there was no fear in this little girl.  She just walked right up and started talking.  So very cute!  In school Anna has been learning about doctors and dentists.  She brought home a paper doctor kit and it quickly became her very favorite toy ever.  We all were instructed to call her "Dr. Anna" and we all became patients morning and night of Dr. Anna.  It was fun.  Anna is so good natured at all of the soccer/football games.  Unlike big sis who would rather die than attend, Anna simply adores coming to the games. And she always finds something to entertain herself!  This month, she and her friends set up a big tent with umbrellas.  Fun times!

Highlights of my month:  a visit from my good friend, Sheri.  So wonderful to catch up with her and hear about all that's going on in her life.  Love meeting up with friends for lunch-- one of my very favorite pastimes.  I enjoyed being a part of another Extraordinary Moms podcast this month with my good friend Jessica.  LOVED the book we reviewed: How to Talk so Kids will listen and Listen so kids will Talk.  Such a fun experience to read and review these amazing parenting books!  Really enjoyed taking the kids to their Orthodontist!  It was really fun to see how wonderful Blake is in action.  He's an amazing orthodontist and we are so lucky to have such a hard working father and husband.  An orthodontist by night and a human bean bag by day (note the picture of all four children hopping and jumping on their dad during FHE).  

 And now, to finish the month off....  I'm in the midst of preparing for our Mother/Daughter Recognition night for Activity Days and Teacher Appreciation week which is always an experience- ha!  More on that later.  A wonderful and full month!

Hair cut