This month we put on a very fun Mother/Daughter Activity Day Rest and Recognition night. The girls worked the month prior to write notes to their mom, to help organize the game "That's My Mom!" which was so fun! They helped to create cloud decorations and learned how to give a hand massage and paint nails properly. We then invited the Moms to attend! The night was a blast. The moms first sat down and looked over all of the activities the girls had accomplished over the past year (they each have a binder). We learned 5 new hairstyles from my good friend Katie who is wonderful at doing hair. The girls and moms loved practicing on one another. We then played our game where I read out random facts about each of the moms and the girls held up their sign "that's my mom" if they believed the fact described their mom. It was really cute and we learned a lot about one another. Then we did manicures and hand massage and I closed with remarks about letting your inner-beauty shine and being God's sunshine here on the earth. Dessert was yummy lemon cakes and sugar cookies. Such a fun night.... I absolutely adore my calling working with the Activity Day girls:)
2 years ago