Blake asked me a few months ago what I'd like to do to celebrate my 40th birthday next month. I knew immediately I didn't want a big party or a ton of attention. Definitely not my style. I knew immediately what I
did want was an escape away from all the stresses of life! Blake and I rarely get away because, you know.... four kids. It's just a big ask to leave FOUR children while you go have the time of your life. That's why I was so very very very grateful to Nancy and Herb for taking our kids while Blake and I headed off to the Four Seasons in Vegas. Wow... it truly was everything I could ever hope for. It was just so fabulous to be alone with Blake.... staying up late, watching fantastic shows, riding roller coasters, eating at buffets, laying out by the pool, sleeping in, wondering around the strip, shopping, talking and having fun together. And to make it even more fun... the Rustands joined us for some of the time. Such a sacrifice on their part to fly out mid-week and be with us. We always laugh a mile a minute together and it just added that much more to the trip to have them there. So funny that Garrett was called up on stage at the Variety Show and then I was made fun of the entire time during Rock of Ages because we both happened to be sitting in the front row in view of the performers. Made those evenings really fun. Garrett taught me all the ins and outs of gambling. Ha~! It was on my bucket list, people. I think the best part of the trip was just driving to and from Vegas for 5 hours each way. We had one another's full on undivided attention!!! We remembered how much we love each other and love spending time together. We remembered we are actually quite fun and patient people. It's so hard to have time like this to talk; to value one another--when we are in the middle of life with four children. And I love my kids so so much... don't get me wrong. But it was just a wonderful trip. I was so grateful to Nancy and Herb for taking such great care of the kiddos while we were away. We were so fortunate and blessed by their willingness to do that for us! Here's to being 40 next month!

lipstick for Anna