Grandma and Grandpa truly outdid themselves this year after school let out! We headed up to their house for an awesome Mad Science End of School Party! Grandma and Grandpa greeted us at the door in full costume and the kids had a blast coloring their hair all sorts of crazy colors and wearing the darling lab coats and safety goggles that Grandma had bought them. They all looked absolutely darling and I'm thinking maybe we'll use these outfits for Halloween!! Kids had the best time ever learning everything science... and participating in so many fun experiments. We learned about tornadoes, will an object float or sink?, geysers, probability, air pressure, etc. It was a dream come true for my kids as their mom does not do this sort of thing much at home! I'm afraid I'm not a scientist in any way, shape or form. Loved watching them have such a good time and so grateful for grandparents who make life so special and fun. Best day ever!