As usual, we packed it all in! Ended with a bang as Easter fell on April 1st! Dang it all... that certainly wasn't enough time to celebrate one of my favorite holidays. But we did our best. Blake and I enjoyed a trip to Vegas with the Rustands to watch the Pack 10 Tournament. I went up to LA the Ellen show ONCE AGAIN! Haha-- I'm becoming a regular. But so much fun because I was able to see Ann Hathaway and MINDY KALING- one of my all time favorites. Seriously, I was thrilled. Of course, Nancy spent the weekend with the kids and I was so grateful. They had a great time eating at CPK, the girls getting their nails done and shopping; the boys at a high school soccer game with the Jones. Grandma spent countless hours of playing war, scribbles, and other games. She put together 70 candy bouquets for Beauty and the Beast! She was a life saver! SO grateful for her! With her help, I'm actually DONE with all of my Beauty and the Beast star gram prep! Really!!! Necklaces ordered, t-shirts DONE, all of my crafting squared away in the guest room- so happy!
We researched and came up with a new media plan for our family and it's worked nicely. Disney's circle. Of course it was a war zone at first particularly with our teenage daughter- ha! She was not happy in the slightest. But it's been working well and we are all pretty happy about it now. My sister sent me this meme to help me feel better about my parenting skills in the midst of the crisis. And of course, I find countless memes from my favorite insta site- scary mommys- which help me laugh at my efforts to parent the "right" way.
I mean, what better example could a parent set than dying her hair vibrant purple?? Haha! This month brought with it a hilarious change in hair color. I just went with it for the month, much to the embarrassment and chagrin of my family. Particularly, Evelyn. It wasn't the look I was going for, but it was a pretty funny experience to live through!~ The comments at best were: It just looks like you have a little spunk in you! (my neighbor); At worst: It looks like you're seeking attention (blake). HA!~

Aside from this trip, the month was rather quiet. We enjoyed having the Doud girls over one weekend while Sara and Greg moved. We celebrated St. Patty's Day with Leprachan munch and t-shirt painting. Celebrated a birthday for Millie and Charly at the Joffs. We spent most weekends divided-- boys at soccer, girls doing our thing- you know, shopping, eating out and watching shows/plays. It still counts as family time because the boys always meet us at some point- wherever we are, even if it's at Shake Shack in La Jolla. This month I worked on a few home improvement projects that I had put off the past year. SO EXCITING! I re-did our very outdated fireplaces, we are just waiting on a mantle to finish the project off. And the porch is now officially looking 100 percent thanks to a 6 month early birthday present from Nancy -haha. She sent her landscape artist down to pot two beautiful pots on my porch. They are SOOOOOOO great. And that with the added bonus of a new updated chandelier and mat--has made all the difference in the world.

This month I had to collect baby photos for both Evelyn and Dane for various purposes. Looking through old photos of our early days brought to my awareness how quickly time passes. How wonderful life is and how grateful I am for every day I've been blessed to experience motherhood, marriage, and life in general. So grateful for every blessing God has granted me.