Evelyn auditioned for Little Mermaid wearing below pictured dress and gathering up all the courage one 13 year old girl could possibly muster in order to sing the outrageously high singing solo. She did it though! And she was cast as Ariel! To celebrate, Anna, Ev and I all got our nails done-- Little Mermaid style. Its so exciting.
I guess I jumped the gun a little bit.... I'm reporting on school happenings... when I never really had a chance to detail the last leg of our summer, which was quite fun in its own right. Adam came to visit! And boy did we ever live it up! We went to Aquatica Water Slide Park, we visited Old Town, we went to the beach a few times to surf and boogie board. We swam in the pool daily, made candlesticks, played Jack TV, watched movies, Adam made his famous teriyaki noodles. It was fun fun times and my boys and all of us, really, were very sad to see it end.
In that last week before school, Dane attended a few birthday parties for his middle school friends- which was nice because it helped him ease back into the social scene. One party was at the beach and was probably the worst day of my summer.... but that's a story for another day. I got him there, and that's what counts. Evelyn hosted a big swimming slumber party here and boy.... did I NOT know what I was getting myself into! We've never had a slumber party over here and never allowed the kids to sleep elsewhere. Don't think we'll do that anytime soon. The girls stayed up ALL night. And I mean to say, ALL night. It was a doozy. We celebrated Jocelyn Jones birthday. Sure love that girl. We attended a tournament literally every weekend in August. The boys won most of these tournaments! They played awesome! Dane scored MVP in his last tournament and was able to keep the team trophy. You can't begin to imagine the joy and happiness this brought to my boy. So proud of him. Anna scored a new soccer ball and a soccer headband out of so much tournament attendance. She is a sport. Such a flexible kid.
It was fun to have Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Stacy to watch Dane's Orange County tournament! Dane was thrilled to play for them and he played better than ever! Now we know the secret to winning.... we just need Grandma Grandpa and Stacy to commit to attending each and every league game-- haha! But we were so grateful they could come and so pleased to spend the day together.
Blake's FINALLY closing the busiest season he's ever had. He and Grant hosted a fun night in the park for patient appreciation. It was written up in Instagram. Our buddies, the Reardons, got braces on and Jen posted about it-- super cute. All is well in the world of Marston Orthodontics. All is well in life. We are blessed! I sure hate to close the chapter on Summer 2018 ! It was amazing!