Evelyn had a pretty low key month with her hiatus in between theatre productions. Next up is Aladdin! She spent her break hanging out with her buddies, taking Grant to Seaworld -- just those two! Our passes were about to expire and Dane and Anna had no desire to go but Grant really wanted to ride the roller coasters-- so she asked if she could be dropped off with Grant. She really is responsible enough to make me feel at ease with these types of things. They had a blast together and blew all their dough on dipping dots and caricature drawings. It was really sweet. Evelyn put on a couple fun friend dates-- one ice skating party and one gingerbread house making party. The girls had a blast. She went caroling with the youth, attended her FIRST stake dance and helped me a ton around the house as I prepared for Christmas . I was so grateful for her help with the Elf on the Shelf. She had awesome ideas each night! I only managed a picture of one!
Dane continues to plug along as my big responsible middle school boy. He still gives me plenty of hugs and lights up my day every time I see him. He is kind and funny and easy to be with. He is really doing well in school and soccer. He rarely complains about either (unlike prior years). He is maturing so much and so very helpful in our home. He just advanced into the Young Men's program this past week. Can't believe how quickly this little guy is growing up. So grateful for our Mormon carpool of kids that look out for each other in middle school. It's a tough place to be. But these kids are so kind and they are older than Dane, yet completely inclusive. I took this picture from my car the other day-- Dane walking into school with his buddies in 8th grade. They are probably some of the coolest kids in school- and they treat Dane like a good friend. He is so lucky. I hope he'll do that one day for some poor 6th grade kid! Ha!
Grant has had yet another rough month. Actually, it was only rough for the parts of the month in which he had to attend school. Once school ended for break, he actually started to feel more himself and life normalized and was absolutely wonderful for all of us. Then school started back up again and life got hard again. Boy, sure wish I knew the answer. Grant has been seen by a team at UCSD for his anxiety and we are working with a psychologist as well. We are doing everything we can to help him with the fear and panic he is experiencing but there are no easy answers. We just take it day by day and I am heading in the direction of possible home school- though I dread the idea. I know it may be the only answer and I'm willing to do what is needed to help my little buddy feel good again. I've certainly felt so drained and low of energy this month because of the stress our family feels in getting Grant to attend his various functions-- school, church, soccer. It's draining and we mostly only insist upon school attendance. I laugh at the memes my sister sends me and life off of chocolate and caffeine to get me through the day. The other day I met my friend at 7:30 am to pick something up and next to me was a half eaten bag of chocolate toffee. She asked how was the day going and I showed her the bag that was supposed to be a gift for her and yet I had already dug into at the early hour 7:30 am. "that's how my day's going." We both laughed. But the nights and mornings are hard-- no doubt about it. Then there are moments in the day that are positivity as sweet as can be and I am so grateful for this little man that I have the opportunity to raise. He is wonderful and I just want him to be happy. That's all really. We'll keep working on it!
Grant being an awesome "big buddy" at school
Anna has kept super busy this month! She and Evelyn are best buddies and she looks up to her big sis so much. They love watching youtube and playing all sorts of games together. I was so proud of Anna this month for earning the Character Award for 1st grade for responsibility! She really is responsible and hard working and her teacher Mrs. Koller thinks very highly of the effort she puts into everything she does. I love teaching Anna's class Art. This month we created cone Christmas trees out of tissue paper! Anna is such a good friend to all of her classmates. She is happy and fun to be with. She loved watching the Nutcracker in which Nora and Millie performed! So cute and so fun for her. I'm trying to talk this little girl into doing dance herself! So far she just enjoys watching her sibs perform and doesn't feel like doing anything on her own. We'll work on this!! One day she'll be excited to start up dance or gymnastics but for now, she is happy being a fan! Oh- and she's always got choir to keep her busy, right? Love this little girl and the sunlight she brings into our home.