Saturday, August 1, 2020

July Happenings

Wow! I was just looking over my blog from last July and realizing how different life was last summer.... before Covid.  Last summer was full of soccer tournaments, dinners out, trips to Seaworld or Aquatica, big summer parties and travel.  While life is still full of plenty of wonderful goings-on, much has changed!  For one, soccer has taken an incredible back seat.  Though the boys still have practice, we are less strict about their attendance;  there's no need for strict adherence because there are never any games to prep for!  And soccer practice is not enjoyable anymore as the boys can only do very rigid drills with no contact and/or scrimmaging. The boys work out back with Conner when we are home or attend practices here and there- but soccer is certainly not front and center.  We miss all the fun amenities that San Diego typically has to offer!  Amusement parks, water parks, Belmont, Seaworld, restaurants, movies, etc.  We miss hosting big events in our backyard and shopping trips to the mall!  We miss carefree travel!  Buuuuuut........all this said, we have certainly found fun and wonderful and different ways to fill our time and schedule!  I dare say this summer has been even MORE incredible than last with all of the outdoor adventuring we've implemented in lieu of soccer and such.

For starters, we are now a 100 percent bonafide boating family.  We boat ALL THE TIME.  It's our thing this summer and we love it.  Sometimes we boat alone as a family.  Other times the kids each invite a friend, and still other times- we invite another family or two along with us.  It's been amazingly fun with all the elements necessary for a day of family bonding:  hard work, sun, food, encouragement of one another (water sports), physical activity, music, no phones, and just a general happy feeling.  We love it.  We are also a biking family!  We have found used bikes on offer-up and bought one for each of us so that we can bike around as a family.  It's been again, a fun way to pass the time and bond as a family. Grant and I enjoy biking to our little gas station for a treat- amongst other things! Of course we still spend quite a few days swimming with a limited number of friends in the backyard and that is a heaven send.  I would say at least once a day- sometimes 4 times a day, we are out back swimming.  I feel good about allowing each of the kids' a few friends to have over.  It's helped pass the time for sure!  And we have hosted one or two expanded pool parties-- with maybe 3 families.  And a fun mom's night out with swimming, bbq chicken salad and cake for my friend Michelle's birthday.  Small "parties" are the new norm for sure!

We still enjoy the beach and have found ourselves frequenting quite often.  It is one of the only things left to do and it's one of my favorite places on earth- so it's a win win.  The kids have all taken up surfing and we each have a wet suit so it's a perfect day when we meet friends and bask in the sun and waves for a few hours. Sometimes we'll stop at Handles ice cream on the way home and that's worth it right there!  Though traveling is frowned upon, we have found ways to make it work!  We contemplated going home to WA for our yearly reunion with my family!!!!  We knew it wasn't the most responsible thing to do, but we also felt miserable at the thought of missing it.  So we found N95 masks, loads of sanitizing wipes, and a good airline who only filled the plane at half capacity for our 2 hour flight.  Once in WA we quarantined by only seeing our family outside for 5-7 days (except for Grammy and Papa who fly all the time anyway and weren't worried!~)  We feel very blessed that we did not catch or pass on any illness! PHEW!  And we had a wonderful TRULY wonderful trip.  More on that later.

One of my very favorite times of year- the 4th of July- seemed a little sad without the parades, big gatherings, or firework shows!  And though it was a little different this year, it actually turned out to be quite wonderful.... minus the part about Grandma not being able to spend the day with us due to a Covid scare.  THANKFULLY the results came back negative but a few days too late for her to share the day with us.  We had decided to celebrate a day or two early to avoid the crowds on the lake and since there were no shows or parades anyhow!  And although we missed Grandma terribly,  Grandpa and Stacy came down and we had the best day ever on the boat together.  Afterwards we BBQ'd chicken and corn on the cob and the delicious caramel apples Grandma had sent down for us.  It was a wonderful day! The kids were beyond thrilled to tube with Aunt Stacy and Grandpa didn't realize what he was in for when he agreed to hop on with the boys- ha!

On the actual 4th of July, we biked around Mission Bay and it was sooooooooo fun to watch everyone celebrate in their own way all along the beach front.  We biked 12 miles!  Loved every minute of it.  We came home and made pizzas and watched Forrest Gump again!  A 4th of July classic in our home.  Then felt incredibly excited to hear the news that Poway High would in fact provide a firework show!!!!!!!  Just no stadium seating-- but families could watch from the grass or their cars.  We hiked up to the Jorgensons home for dessert and swimming and then headed over to the grass to watch the show. It was a perfect night and we were thrilled to celebrate our country!

One last high note from July was our beach camping week in Carlsbad with friends.  Wow.... camping is not for the faint of heart.  It was  A LOT OF WORK to pack up and prepare for these few days of camping, but it was truly all worth it to see the kids surfing, skim boarding, scootering, s'more making, laughing, card playing, and just generally having the time of their lives.  This is our second year doing it and I think it's a sure thing for next year.  Though I never really feel up for sleeping outdoors, dust and dirt and cooking on a stove the size of a bread box, I always end up having a great time.

As you can see.... the month was full.  And as far as the kids go, let me see if I can sum up in a couple of sentences their activities and growth for the month:

Evelyn:  DRIVING EVERYWHERE!  And getting better and better each day.  She can even merge onto the freeway!  Lots of sleepovers with friends, and of course, with that comes lots of selfies and tiktoks.  Voice lesson business still going strong!  Decided to transfer out of Poway High and back to Classical Academy on-line due to Covid and her desire to begin Palamaor Junior College;  Classical has a partnership and makes it easy, whereas Poway High is against the dual enrollment.  Still loving In-n-Out (see meme below that she sent me).  Best time ever beach camping with friends. I'm proud of Evelyn for putting herself out there and trying new things though her instinct is to avoid anything even remotely uncomfortable.  She has really matured as of late.

Dane: Spending all of his time with friends!  When the survey came out for home school verses on campus learning, you'd better believe that Dane was all for  ON CAMPUS with his buddies.  He is very social and loves to be with his soccer buddies, church friends and neighbors.  Dane has grown SO MUCH this summer.  He has matured and is generally the greatest kid I could ever imagine.  Whilst camping without Blake, he stepped up to help in every way humanly possible. In WA, he and cousin Adam were inseparable and had an awesome time together reconnecting, yet he also loved to be a big buddy to his 2 year old cousins who adored him.  I continue to be impressed by the awesome kid that Dane is.  He makes our family better in every way.

Grant:  Ah!  Well.... for starters, this kid has 3 ailments on his left foot at the moment.  But don't think that stopped him from basically any of the aforementioned activities.  He was stung by a sting ray beach camping, tore up his big toe scootering and sprained his ankle skim boarding.  Ha!  The kid is more accident prone than anyone I've ever met.  And also more full of energy and life.  During beach camping, Grant was living his best life to be sure.  I never saw the child.  He was constantly on the go and that's how he likes it.  He loves being busy and struggles when he feels bored.  Grant is bummed that school will be at home in the fall, but he is trying to have a good attitude about it.  He is the kindest friend on earth-- in fact, when Dane sold his Nintendo Switch, Grant paid him $25 for two of the games. I was confused about why he'd need those games, until I saw a tiny little wrapped package with the words:  For Brandon.  He knew Brandon liked those games so he bought them for him.  He's absolutely darling and though he can give me a hard time here and there, I'm pretty sure he'll go on to be about the coolest human ever.

Anna: Let's see... lip gloss, perfume, lotion and soaps.  Anna collects it all!  Still practicing dance moves in her down time even though classes are no longer in session.  Spending every moment she can with Nora and Millie. Nora even came beach camping with us!  Anna loved celebrating Nora's 9th birthday riding horses.  Two better friends I never have seen.  But super cute that Nora also invited Grant to come along and Anna was completely fine with the idea.  She is a loving sister and adores her older brothers and sister.  While we were in WA, Anna sent Blake video and text messages on the daily to keep him updated on her life.  She makes everyone happy.  Anna is on board for home school-- though she loves her teacher, Mrs. Ramirez ( who, btw, came over with her dog Gus to swim and have lunch with Anna last month!) she feels fine with learning at home with mom.  My only worry is keeping her motivated to do the hard work.  School does not come easy to Anna.  I hope we can figure this thing out.

And on that note, my mind has been ever consumed with the decision to send back to school (assuming that could even happen) engage in virtual learning, or just do homeschool on my own.  Today is the deadline for the decision and as I've allowed the kids to weigh in - we've decided on-line Classical Academy for Evelyn.  On campus for Dane.  And home school for Grant and Anna.  Wish it could be on campus, but San Diego's numbers are way too high.  Maybe come January??? WISH ME LUCK!  Typically once August hits, I begin to dream of the quiet fall days when everyone is back in school.  Now I dread the beginning of school because I don't want to be fully in charge of everyone's education.  I comfort myself with the thought that I don't have to work and that though difficult, the challenge is manageable.  And maybe it will be better than what I am imagining.  Who knows!?  Maybe it's just what the kids needed?  The switch over the Classical?  The homeschool for my two youngest who struggle a little in school!  I'll keep you posted on that front.  But one thing's for sure.... I want to keep up  a good attitude for the kids' sake. And I CAN do hard things.  Isn't that what I always teach them ?