Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Day in the Life

I've started a new photography class (digital photo basics).  I really enjoy my instructor and the assignments thus far have been right up my alley.  This weekend we were assigned to take a photograph that would  represent a day in the life of our town or city.  I thought I'd post my shot.  I don't think it's a particularly clever frame job or composition... but I love it because this is what I see (on a clear day) right as I step outside of our apartment building.  The Statue of Liberty!  It's beautiful- and yet, just blends right in with the hustle and bustle of life.   I've always seen shots of her from Manhattan;  never actually thought I would be seeing her on a daily basis! That's how I feel about all of these famous landmarks.... Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State Building- it's so fun to see every day out of my window.  I love it.