I can’t believe my little man is almost 18 months!
Dane continues to be such a joy. At 1 and 1/2 he loves to hug and tackle mom, dad and Evelyn. He loves the outdoors. His favorite toys are cars and balls…. oh, and Evelyn’s Wicked Witch of the West Barbie- much to Blake’s dismay. His favorite food is breakfast sausage by a landslide (I know... weird, right?) He rarely tantrums; he loves to play with Evelyn and follows her around all throughout the house or the park. He loves to ride his truck in the backyard. He laughs and smiles a lot. He sleeps well. He loves to get into “trouble” by stealing a cell phone or tube of mascara. He loves to be tickled. I know I'm biased, but I think he's pretty darn cute!