Wednesday, February 28, 2018

February Happenings

It's been such a wonderful month to report on!  It always astounds me to look back and see everything our family fit into one month- ha!  Life happens quickly and it sure is full of all sorts of wonderful things.  At the beginning of the month, we enjoyed a quick trip up to LA to visit Universal Studios for Dane's birthday and to visit Aunt Stacy and eat at our favorite Yuko's Kitchen-- a restaurant that Stacy's close friend started a few years ago.  So yummy!  The day could not have been more perfect as the weather was nice, the crowds were small and the celebratory occasion was top notch- Dane's birthday!  Dane and Grant loved picking out their Harry Potter wands and spending MOST of our time in Harry Potter world-- their newest obsession.  I must admit, I don't mind as I've enjoyed reading the books as much as they have!  That's the one thing I never expected as a parent.... how much fun it is to re-live your childhood again and do all the things you enjoyed as a kid! We were so glad Grandma could come with us!  The kids enjoyed showing her all of their favorite rides and shows.

We enjoyed a trip to Scottsdale, AZ for an orthodontic conference Blake needed to attend.  So glad we tagged along as we were able to see great friends- Robin and her darling daughter Charlotte!  The Calls, and the Rustands who happened to be in town for a soccer tournament!  The kids had a blast eating out at favorite restaurants- Cheesecake Factory, Five Guys, and IHOP.  We went to the movies, mini golfed, and lazed at the beautiful hotel.  Loved the lazy river, life-size chess, and the fun pottery crafts and food available on-site! Loved the hot tubs and saunas!  It really felt like a true, restful vacation! Never thought I'd say that, traveling with kids.  I guess they are officially old enough at this point.  Really had an awesome weekend.

Loved a fun trip we took over ski-week to St. George, UT.  Just the kids and I.  Actually, just Dane, Grant and Anna and I!  Blake had to work and Evelyn stayed home with Grandma for school and play rehearsal!  But the kids and I sure enjoyed it.  Loved all of the fun valentining activities over the month!  Kids parties, Gal-entine's Parties with the ladies, sugar cookie making, and heart crafting.  Valentines is a favorite for me.  Although I must admit, I did very little to celebrate in comparison to years past.  I normally create valentine's cards for each child- with their picture incorporated somehow! This year, I just forgot! We normally have an FHE in which we scatter hearts full of loving words all over the kitchen for one another.  This year, FORGOT!   I normally put on a "we love to be a family" day and this year--- you guessed it....forgot!  But then remembered just in the nick of time.  And realized that it maybe didn't need to have quite the pizazz as years past.  We enjoyed an awesome family day hiking at Torrey Pines, then went up the coast to VG's donuts to try out their yummy baked goods and Handels Ice cream for their famous home-made selection.  We came home and went in the hot tub, then divided up boys/girls and half of us went to a play- Peter Pan, while the other half stayed home and watched a WWII movie.  I'll let you guess who did what.  Anyhow, though I didn't have the same scavenger hunt or all of the written out plans, it was a very fun family day and I guess I'm ok with that.  Not sure why I dropped the ball this year?? 

I was extremely proud of myself for hosting a sugar cookie making party.  And I mean... we actually rolled out sugar cookies, baked sugar cookies and then decorated sugar cookies.  Each of the kids invited a friend or two and it was a big thing!  Lots of baking, lots of cleaning!  And lots of fun. So glad we could do it.  Put together valentines for the kids that correlated with their current interests.  For Evelyn, a few Miranda Sings valentines along with Beauty and the Beast.  For Anna- unicorn valentines and for the boys- Harry Potter and Grumpy Cat for Dane- always a favorite. I remember my mom leaving a few heart sugar cookies all wrapped up on our beds for Valentines day.  I like to carry on that tradition!

My mind has been on Beauty and The Beast lately.  Just collecting items for the lobby to sell!  Ordering necklaces, designing T-shirts, frequenting the dollar store to find plush roses!  Collecting ticket orders and working out schedules for manning the booth come show time.  It's been fun but this along with planning weekly singing times have definitely kept me busy.  But in a good way.  I love learning some of the oldies but goodies and planning fun games week to week for the kids.  It is by far the best calling I've ever had!

Blake's been working hard all month too- as usual. So fun to finally set up his arcade game at the office which the patients are loving!  Soon, the second one will arrive.  I think it's a big hit! 

 A fun month full of all sorts of fun stuff.  It's been so chilly!  I'm ready for summer right about now!   Wouldn't mind skipping through March and finding myself in April or May- haha, I'm just a weather wimp.