Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Christmas day Traveling!

We surprised the kids this year and took them on a fun little trip to Tucson to visit the Rustands!  We left late Christmas afternoon and arrived late that night.... it was actually an extremely smooth car trip.  No outbursts from Anna, no whining in the back from the older kids.  Everyone was so well behaved and believe me, Blake and I counted our blessings for it!  Traveling with four kids can be a bear!

We had such a great time with the Rustands.  They had moved into their new home and it was beautiful!  Absolutely crazy-- when we arrived I looked at the basket of goodies next to my bed and was so confused!  There among treats and hot cocoa packets were a set of beautiful Anthropologie initialed mugs-- one for each person in our family.  That was our Christmas present from the Rustands.  The confusing part..... prior that week, I had ordered and sent Beth that EXACT same present from Anthropologie!  It was too funny.  Of all the gifts to give, we picked the same thing!  

While in Tucson, we loved watching the kids play soccer together, jump on the trampolines at Get Air;  we loved eating at EeGee's, going out on a date sans kids- always a good thing!  We saw a wonderful wild west Christmas show with live stunts and guns which shocked and thrilled the boys!  But scared Anna half to death!  

I think the highlight of the trip for the kids was the day we traveled up to Mt. Lemon to play in the snow.  The kids loved sledding, making snow angels, snowballs and snowmen.  Such fun times!  It is always a treat to visit these dear friends of ours!  Loved every minute.