Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year's Eve

We like to live it up around here come New Year's Eve!  Bowling, eating out and then a late night of partying is how we like to celebrate the New Year:)

 Can't believe how quickly time flies... 2014 was a great year for us.  A year of lots of firsts.  First time trying club soccer for the boys, first time for Evelyn acting in plays, and staying away from home for a week with Grandma.  First time for mom being head of an auxiliary, putting on a primary program!  First time saying no to room mom, first time having three kids attending one school!  First time for Blake remodeling an office, first time for us as parents having a child with double digits, and for me.... having a two-year old and NOT being pregnant!  It's been grand!  My favorite thing to do on New Year's Eve is to have the kids write a little about the previous year and think of their new year's goals and resolutions.  Evelyn decided to be kinder and more patient with siblings and more helpful to mom.  Dane decided to believe in himself and not worry or fear new situations (especially in sports).  Grant decided to feel at peace when mom and dad leave and to enjoy school, soccer, babysitter without any worries. We decided for Anna that her goals would be potty training and losing the binky.  So far, no success for her!  Here's to success and happiness in 2015!


