A few fun little items to report on this month.... although I wasn't as consistent in recording the little details as I normally am! Life just seems to whiz by with little room for anything other than the basics! The boys finished up their basketball season and had a wonderful time! They had great coaches (both named Coach Steve) and great team mates. They really grew this season-- absolutely LOVED watching them play:) Definitely a bit on the ball hog side!!!
Dane was welcomed into the Cub Scouts at the Blue and Gold this month! This happened one week before his tender little heart was shattered at the thought of not participating in cub scouting with his best friends-- Aidan Miller and Carter Bradly!!! I mean to say, the boy cried himself to sleep for 3 nights in a row! He was so looking forward to cub scouting with all of his best buddies. But, I admire him for his ability to press forward and look on the bright side. He is happy to have one friend (a year older) from the old ward to attend scouting with (Andy French). He is slowly adjusting to the new ward and primary class. Poor thing attended his new cub troop this past week without his uniform! I had forgotten to sew on the patches. And let's be honest, I don't really know how to sew those patches on even if it hadn't slipped my mind- haha! I'm now in the process of trying to bribe Evelyn with 20$ to watch a you tube video and figure it out. Heck, that girl can learn to do anything.... why not this??
Dane and Grant have been extremely interested in rocks (even more than their usual obsession, if you can believe that). In fact, Dane has used near to all of his birthday money on various geode kits and rock collections. He and Grant go out back with hammers and safety goggles and work away for hours. Dane has Grant convinced (and a few innocent neighbor children as well) that if you just look hard enough, you will indeed find granite rocks out in our backyard. They dig, they rake, they search, the quest.... it keeps them busy! So cute to see the boys so passionate about something other than sports!
These two boys of mine have been golfing up a storm with Daddy as of late. With soccer on break, there's been extra time for golfing outings and camping trips! Last weekend Blake took the boys up to Ramona for an overnighter. They were thrilled.... and had such a great time with their Dad. Of course, they had to be back at the crack of dawn so that I could make it to ward council.... but they were great sports. And how sweet to have a dad that would venture up the mountain just to make dreams come for his two boys!
The kids have really been on a selling kick. It happens once a year--- they just get super excited to earn money! So, they've spent many an afternoon out in our front yard-- selling brownies, rice krispie treats, lemonade, rocks, baseball cards, art work. It's quite the production. They are too funny!
Evelyn is becoming more and more interested in her friends these days which I know is part of the tween territory! Scary for mom! But so grateful she has such a great group of girlfriends at school-- Katie, Propti, Marilyn. So grateful she has great church friends as well.... her closest friend these days being Reha Poulson. She begs for the opportunity to hang out with this little gal and we usually just invite her along to all of the soccer, basketball, football stuff so that Evelyn has something to occupy her:) A few weeks ago we enjoyed a great FHE at the church gym. We played a family basketball game against the Poulsons, had pizza and pop and really got all of our energy out. It was super fun for all.
We've been having a blast with our monthly Sunday dinner rotation! It started in December with the Douds and Joffs and it's just been something my kids and I all look forward to very much. This past month we hosted a yummy pasta bar and celebrated sweet little Millie's one year birthday! Topped off the night watching the Oscars... fun times!
We had a sweet little baby shower here for our friend Emily (the boys' best friends- carter and austin bradley's mom). Easy and fun to decorate, it was a great time celebrating Emily's new little guy- Dylan:)
And what can I say about our dear little Anna girl? She's kept us laughing all month, as usual! Such a sweet little doll, she could not be more loved by this family! A few Sundays ago- we were shocked to see that she had taken it upon herself to paint her face with markers.... just minutes before we needed to head to church... she thought that was quite funny! And the other day in the store she found a cute little french bulldog statue and assumed whole heartedly that this was Aunt Stacy's dog- Mabel. She wanted that dog like nobody's business! It took quite the convincing to leave the store without that little statue. Too funny. On the upside, Anna is very diligent, very good about wearing her glasses. She is a cutie pie in those things! On the downside, Anna is terrible at giving up the pacifier, and wants nothing to do with potty training. You even mention the word and she runs in the other direction. Heaven help me!
2 years ago