Last month we had some sad news.... our ward was going to split! Specifically, the small neighborhood where Blake and I live would be taken out of the Del Norte ward and moved over to the Rancho Bernardo Ward. It was quite shocking, as you might imagine. Everyone who was switched to a different ward was immediately released. I was disappointed! After almost one year as Primary President- I was starting to feel very confident and comfortable with the calling. I can say I actually loved it and looked forward to my duties... ward council, presidency meetings, especially the love and care I felt for each of those sweet primary children! So, I was sad. I would miss my friends and all the children.
But even more than sad, I felt worried. Worried that maybe I would be called to be the primary president in the new ward!!! They had just lost their primary president and it kind of made sense that they would ask me in such a situation as I hadn't been serving too long. I was so worried and so nervous. I didn't want to come into a brand new ward in which I knew hardly a soul and have to start from scratch! Pick new counselors from ward members I hadn't even met? I had already organized all of my teachers for the new year; I had just finished the baptism preview and priesthood preview! I felt very worried about the possibility of a challenging new situation. So, I prayed. A lot. And afterwards felt a very distinct impression that yes, I would be faced with a challenging new situation. But.... that I would NOT be alone in this. That I would be strengthened and provided with Heavenly help all along the way. That it would all work out.
I felt so at peace, in fact, so certain about my future, that when I received a call to meet with the Bishop the next day, I was not surprised in the least. It wasn't until the Bishop asked me to be the Young Women president that I about dropped my jaw to the floor in utter shock! I couldn't even speak back to him (I'm sure he might have even regretted asking me!) All of the fear and worry resurfaced! How could I possibly carry out such a responsibility along with raising four children and all the other duties I was in the midst of. Wow. I was overwhelmed to say the least. But, I accepted. And then I prayed some more. I went to the temple and spent time pondering and thinking on my life. And now, one month later, I'm feeling a little more sturdy.... each day a little more confident.
The calling was made more difficult by the fact that I hadn't laid eyes on most of the counselors I chose, or the young women I'd be serving! Awkward for me!! I didn't receive a roll or a calendar all planned out! It was very abrupt and the old YW president took all of her supplies with her to the new ward that had just been created. The YW in this ward were very sad as they had just lost 30 girls!!!!
Now there were only 20.... small when you are used to 50. It was a shock to these girls. I was asked to be kind of a cheerleader of sorts! The Bishop said he needed someone to love these girls; someone with a positive and energetic vibe that would help the girls want to continue coming to YW. So, that's been my number one focus: love. And that's not so hard for me. I'm also a pretty good organizer, and I've been doing a TON of that. A TON of planning--- New Beginnings, Youth Conference, Camp Fundraiser.... all had to happen this month. So much work, but as I said.... I'm starting to feel better and better day by day. And getting to know the girls has been the best part. The love that I felt for the primary children, I now feel for the Young Women. It's a pretty special feeling that accompanies service. God takes care of that part. My biggest challenge will be the balance of it all. I never want to put this before my children or husband. But I'm so task oriented that it presents quite the struggle for me. I pray every night for the ability to put first things first. I'm certain there are many things I need to learn and I'm ready!
The new primary president of Del Norte Ward read this note I wrote for the primary kids as I never had a chance to say goodbye! I had to lead Young Women's in my new ward!!
Trying to pick counselors from a list of ladies I had never met!
Evelyn's Valiant 11 teacher sent her this very sweet note when we switched wards
The Primary kids heart attacked my garage!
My darling friend had just finished our primary bulletin board! Isn't it amazing?
Our first YW/YM activity-- I was in charge.... we played valentine's games and heart attacked the Bishop's office door!
Some of the girls at our camp fundraiser prep
New Beginnings prep:
2 years ago