Our sweet little Evelyn has officially graduated from Elementary School! What a fun day to celebrate the feistiest, funniest, most fashion-savvy, talented red-head I know. Loved watching Evelyn with all of her friends: Saanvi, Marilyn, Propti to name a few. She's had an amazing year with Mrs. Lachel and an outstanding experience at Highland Ranch. Fun to go out afterward- just Ev and I....and Anna, shopping and eating and having a wonderful day.
Evelyn has always kept us on our toes and will continue to do so, I'm certain, as we enter this new phase of parenting a middle schooler. Good thing she's not actually going to middle school next year! It will be so great to keep Ev close to home for the next year and maybe more... we'll see how it goes. Home- Schooling, here we come!
2 years ago