Exhaustion aside, this past month has been an absolute joy. We've been gone on vacation most of the month! Seattle for two weeks, Grandma and Grandpa's for the Fourth of July. It's been one party after the next. When we weren't traveling, the girls often spent time at gymnastics camp. Anna has no qualms about being away for three hours at camp. Most likely because big sis is there in the older girls' class at the other side of the gym. When the girls are at camp, the boys and I have done all sorts of awesome things. We've gone out to lunch at their new favorite- Souplantation. We've gone on numerous local hikes, invited friends over for water balloon fights and cooked up a storm-- Dane always has some culinary idea in the back of his mind. We've made teriyaki chicken and noodles, s'mores nachos, cakes and brownies to name a few.
This month the boys have played in numerous tournaments not only with Arsenal but also with Leone. When they are playing with Leone, they almost always win the entire championships--- a huge bonus in their little minds! They don't play as much as they do on their Arsenal team, but it's been a really fun experience. I've been so proud of the wonderful behavior and can-do attitude the boys have exhibited in general this summer. They truly are amazing kids and so much fun to be around (when they aren't rough housing!) Before kids, Blake and I used to hike frequently. It was always a hobby of mine. I gave it up when we moved to AZ and then NYC... just didn't seem feasible with so many kids. So realizing the boys are not only old enough but also tough enough to hike with me has been a joy! Loved hiking all over the place this past month-- favorite probably being Torrey Pines with friends. Torrey Pines has the added bonus of playing in the ocean after the hike.
One of the highlights of the month for the boys has been meeting friends at the beach. We've spent a lot of time with the Brinkley's (best school buds) at the beach and swimming at their house. The boys were able to see their old besties the Bradleys as well! It was quite the reunion and so awesome to play together for the whole day. Last year, the Bradleys moved to Florida and they have been sorely missed.
Evelyn had a special treat this past month of staying at Grandma's house for a few nights ALONE. Of course she was spoiled to tears with pedicures, manicures, haircuts, gym dates, out to eat and swimming parties. She loved every minute and was so grateful for the little vacation away from home. A highlight for her was going shopping with Aunt Stacy!! It was so awesome to have Stac pick out natural make up and cute shoes. Her dream come true! Ev continues to bake a ton and work on her gymnastics, singing, piano and acting. At any point in time you'll see her not right side up, but upside down in a handstand position! She has taken to straightening Anna's hair. It looks so cute and you can bet your bottom dollar Anna is thrilled. She loves every minute she gets to spend with Ev. And speaking of Anna, not only did she enjoy gymnastics camp, but Anna also had a blast at dance camp!! Glitter in her hair was the greatest thrill of her life. It was so cute. I think dance classes are in our future- ack! Anna continues to adore her best buddy Nora. Nora will be in kindergarten next year and Anna can't stop talking about it. She absolutely loved celebrating her birthday at the pool. It was quite disturbing though to realize that now Nora was five and Anna continued to be four. Not cool. Not cool at all.
Life was pretty crazy in July for this mama! Braces have made the day to day a little annoying, but I'm very grateful to have the best orthodontist in town:) Almost every Saturday of our entire summer was booked solid with vacations or tournaments, however, one Saturday, I found myself DYING to do some summer cleaning. And so I did! I cleaned out every cabinet in the kitchen, pantry and garage. Seriously, I felt so proud. Blake took one for the team and bought tickets to the San Diego Fair. He's not a fan of county fairs, but I sure am. It was a lovely day and the kids were in heaven with their funnel cake, carnival games and crazy amusement rides! Loved seeing my college roommate, Leah over the Fourth of July weekend. We spent time at Newport beach and enjoyed catching up. Her husband is an orthodontist too so the men had lots to say. And her kids were huge soccer fans-- that worked out! Maybe you thought we couldn't squeeze even one more fun event into the month... but we managed it! An awesome concert with friends in Palm Springs. SUCH a fun night seeing Ben Folds Live. LOVED it.
All in all, an amazing month and one made most special because of our amazing extended family on both sides, and our wonderful friends.