Friday, May 5, 2017

April Happenings

Oh man.... SUCH a busy month!  April typically is.  But this year, it was a doozy.  The Lion King, Anna's birthday, prep for Blake's birthday, Teacher Appreciation Week, the Scholastic Book Fair, Young Women presentations, etc, etc.!  But before I get to the chaos, we cannot skip over my favorite day of the year.... April fools!  This year I got the kids good (as always!) by making funny posters of their favorite things- with their faces on it.  Dane and Grant have been super into Karate Kid- so that was easy. Evelyn was intrigued by Beauty and The Beast and Anna is always into Sophia the First.  I had a box of krispie kreme donuts sitting on the counter as they woke--- it was too funny watching each child open the box to find veggies instead.  The old salt inside the oreo trick was a hit.  As was the dollar bill torn in half and hidden. I must've gotten Grant five times with that dollar bill.  Obviously I woke them up with my various masks on and hid crazy masked "people" in their beds.  I hid spiders and Pennywise the clown.  Along with laughing faces all over the mirror.  Yes, it was a day of many jokes. Ha!~

Along with the jokes we enjoyed watching Conference very much.  The kids are FINALLY getting to the age where they can actually watch and learn and most importantly, BE QUIET so that Black and I can listen.  We had a great day together- just our family watching and eating and when we weren't watching and eating.... working!  We cleaned out Anna and the boys' rooms, along with the kitchen!  It was quite a feat, but felt good to de-clutter and de-junk the rooms.  The kids helped wash the cars and mop the floors.  We accomplished a lot.  Now on to the garage, laundry room and wait for it... my closet!  YIKES!

We were super excited to hear the wonderful news that Catie and Troy are engaged!!!!!!! Also super excite for my sister Jamie who is officially a foster mom to baby Aidan at four weeks old.  Man, so proud of her!  So excited for our dear friend Sameen who gave birth to baby Cyrus this month.  He is the cutest little guy ever and we are so happy for the Joffs!

Now on to the crazy.... Lion King took me out of the picture for almost an entire week.  SO SO grateful to Nancy for coming down and watching the kids.  Anna's pedicure date was the cutest ever.  She had so much fun riding in the big car shopping cart that I never consent to because I think it's too darned cumbersome.  With Grandma- nothing was off limits.  Loved hearing the stories of Anna running to her room to put on lick stip and eye shadow (with a marker).  She was really getting into the make up spirit after seeing Evelyn spend hours a day getting ready for the play.  Grandma took a sweet picture of Blake reading to the kids.  He was a champ as well, picking up the slack even after long days at work.  I was so grateful to them both.

The Scholastic Book fair ended up being a huge success.  I was so proud of Anna for being my "assistant" all week without so much as a single complaint. So grateful for her!  She made new friends and helped me pass out our thank you gifts to all of the volunteers who helped put the fair on. It was a camping theme, so we went with S'mores for a gift.  She was also my "assistant" as I shopped for teacher appreciation baskets and gift items, created Hawaiian themed door decorations and brought breakfast to 5 different teachers!!! Ha!  Anna spends two afternoons a week with Nora and Millie over-- we have a grand time together.  It's such a great system as Sara picks up Dane and Grant and takes to practice while I babysit the girls.  LOVE that this works out for us.  It's for sure a win-win.  Especially in Anna's mind.

The boys have had a busy month full of soccer and football games.  The three of us read the book Bridge to Terebithia where I basically could NOT stop crying for about an hour afterwards.  And I knew it had a sad ending, but somehow could not pull myself together.  That may be the last time the boys want to read a chapter book with me- haha!  So cute, almost every day I find a yellow note from the nurse that Grant has come in to the office during recess --- self referred obviously--- due to an injury.  The kid kills me.  He has been having a blast swimming at his buddy Dawson's house lately after school and is getting so responsible with his homework.  I couldn't be happier or more proud.

In stressful news, Dane suffered a concussion this past week.  He was playing soccer with buddies and fell down super hard right on his head.  Hard enough to black out:(  When he woke, he couldn't  remember being at the park at all or anything about the past hour.  He was nauseous and dizzy.  Let's just say we spent a good five hours down at Rady's Childrens Hospital making sure he was ok.  And he was, thank heavens... but no soccer for a month and no school for the entire week, despite State testing.  It's been so nice having my little buddy home, but it's hard for me to see him in pain.  He's had a headache for almost a week straight- poor kid.  Soccer is not for the weak.

Blake celebrated his 40th birthday this past week!  I don't think he was very happy with me for making a huge banner that asked his patients to help him celebrate by grabbing a hat and party blower and writing him a little birthday note!  But, we sure enjoyed celebrating the greatest husband and dad on earth.  So grateful for all he does for our family and the wonderful man that he is.

So you see?  It's been a busy busy BUSY month.  But in a good way.  And heck, we've survived it!  At the beginning of the craziness, I explained it all to my sister and she sent me a meme (pictured below).  I found it so hilarious-- I think when you feel you are going crazy, the best medicine is just to laugh it off.