Friday, May 5, 2017

Spring Break

Spring Break 2017 definitely had it's ups and downs!!  We started off strong by heading out to Palm Springs with the Jones.  We had a wonderful time at our favorite hotel in the area, swimming and eating snow cones, golfing and playing family football! Late night dairy queen runs and early morning donuts made for the perfect vacation.  We rode the tram up to the top of Mt. San Jacinto where we hiked and explored.  We had the best time and enjoyed our quick weekend getaway!

We enjoyed going out to pizza for lunch, beach days with friends and watching the Star Wars movies every night.  The kids hadn't seen the movies and so Blake and I were pretty excited to watch together.  Early in the week, Dane and Grant planned and executed a fun spring break camp for young kids.  They charged $10 a kid and  made a killing.  Of course they had to split the earnings with buddy Braxton who helped out.  They were awesome and I was so proud of them.  Stations were: outdoor sports, strawberry/banana kabobs,  arts and crafts (Grant made a prototype of a caterpillar for the kids to follow), Easter egg hunt (grant and anna stuffed eggs and hid them), and a hike to feed the nearby donkey.  I was seriously so proud of Dane and Grant and all of their hard work.  After the camp, they decided to put together a lemonade stand and sell brownies, cookies and lemonade!  Let's just say, MOM was pretty exhausted after all of that business, but also happy that they had the chance to work on a project and earn money.

Evelyn enjoyed playdates with friends and taking a break from Lion King rehearsals and homeschool.  She cleaned out her room and worked on her music.  Completely disinterested in putting on camps- which kind of made me sad because I remember not too long ago helping her run an art camp!  Maybe she'll come back around.

The kids and I had a good time filling Easter eggs and then "egging" the neighbors by throwing the candy filled eggs all over their front yard!  The neighbors have three kids so it was so fun to hide and watch them discover what we'd done.  We still had soccer practices at night, so the days went quickly and we didn't have as much time to relax as in years past.  The down part of the week happened Wednesday afternoon/evening when Evelyn and I came down with the stomach flu.  It was bad.  I mean, I couldn't move.  And that NEVER happens to me!  We were supposed to finish the week by going up to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a sailing and paddle boarding camp- but that was not to be.  The Jones picked up Dane and Grant and took them for the day.  Sweet little Anna played quietly by my side and Ev and I just laid there in silence waiting to feel ourselves again!  Thankfully I felt a bit better by Friday afternoon and we headed up to Orange County for the remainder of the break.  More on that later.  All in all, it was a wonderful time away from school and homework and all things routine.  I love this time of year when the end is in sight and summer is just around the bend.