Good thing I've had a wonderful month to report on and now the time to do it! I love September because it brings all sorts of amazing memories to the forefront of my mind. It's my birthday, football season, chili-making month (I tried a new chicken chili recipe which was delicious!), soccer season, school in session, fall decorating, etc. Love it all. And to add to these joyous occasions, we also had the good fortune to watch conference in September! Saturdays sessions were September 30th this month and we had a wonderful time relaxing at home, eating scrambled eggs and sausage, coloring scripture quotes, and listening to the messages of our Apostles. I needed a weekend like that! So uplifting and motivational.
I decided to take the kids camping this month-- without Blake! I haven't tried an escapade like that since Brooklyn! But a few of my friends were headed to Julian and so we joined along. And technically it wasn't really camping as we were able to sleep in cabins with heat. So fun to roast marshmallows and hot dogs, sing songs and hike around the beautiful forest. Anna had such a blast with her best friends and even chose to sleep in their cabin. She was so independent and had the time of her life. The boys were helpful and kind and had a great time. Ev was eager to accomplish her homework as she didn't technically have the day off school, but was made to go camping nonetheless. Ah, the joys of having an almost teenager. She's already terrorizing me and she's not even 13 yet. But it was fun. The night we stayed over was actually my birthday! A friend made my very favorite pumpkin sheet cake for dessert and everyone sang. It was a good way to spend the day seeing as Blake had a late meeting that night anyhow. Earlier in the day, I hiked with a good friend and had lunch with a few other great friends. I felt very celebrated and loved all week with a home-made breakfast, movie night, gifts, sweet texts from loved ones and birthday phone calls. Flowers and lots of luncheons. The kids made me home-made cards and Blake brought home flowers and Sees candy. We all went out to dinner at Phil's BBQ and then the scream zone to go on the Haunted Hayride. Maybe wouldn't choose that option again as it pretty much scared the living daylights out of Anna and Dane. What was I thinking?? Not sure!? I had been before and didn't find it to be so terrifying... but apparently, it was. Ha! But a fun memory anyway.
Earlier in the month, Nancy and Herb drove down to make dinner for me and attend the Primary Program. They went to so much trouble to bring the most delicious dinner ever! Au Gratin potatoes, roasted vegetables, fruit and Blake grilled steak for the main course. We played games and had my favorite Nothing Bundt cakes for dessert. It was so very sweet and fun. See what I mean? I felt very loved and celebrated pretty much the entire month of September. No wonder I love the month so much.
We got right on pumpkin patching this year when we ran into an awesome patch in Ramona- on our way home from camping. The kids enjoyed corn cannons and the corn maze; each child picked out a pumpkin and had a blast skipping all around the patch petting dogs, and sheep and goats at the petting zoo. Grandma and Grandpa met the boys up in Norco at a soccer game and then to IHOP for breakfast. Most of our weekends are chalk full of soccer games both in Del Mar and up in Orange County. We often have to split up and haven't been able to spend a lot of family time together on the weekends because of it. But it does give us extra opportunities to see Grandma and Grandpa- so that's a good thing. And it gives me more one on one time with the girls and Blake with the boys. One of these days, we'll have to switch and I'll take the boys so Blake can be with the girls.
Was so excited mid-month to have the opportunity to present to the stake the following class: "You be the therapist; 7 tools to utilize with your children before or in conjunction with seeking out therapy" It was a fun class to prepare and had a great turnout! I felt very blessed to be able to speak on something I am so passionate about. Loved working with so many who were needing help. I worked most of the month on prepping this class, that along with putting together the Seussical Star Gram ideas! Only one more month to do an insane amount of crafting to prepare for Evelyn's play. I took on this new job this year and am only slightly regretting it! Typically I do the rehearsal mom job and that's pretty low-key. We'll see if I make it through!
In other news....our new fridge arrived. It only cost us our life savings, but what are you going to do when your fridge dies?? And it's custom sized?? And costs more than all the furniture in your home combined? Such a bummer- but I will say, I'm loving the new fridge, despite the financial stress it has brought with it!
So, that's September in a nutshell! Not too crazy busy, but we are holding on tight because October and November will be anything BUT relaxing around here. So much to look forward to!
How I felt after the presentation!!!