We enjoyed a fun and full month of celebrating Halloween! And I can say with certainty that I am officially VERY done with it all and happy to move on to Thanksgiving and Christmas festivities. But the kids do love Halloween and who am I kidding? I do as well! Fun to attend a new event this year--- the Boogie Bash at Tierra Bonita (the kids' new school.) It was so fun and Evelyn and I had fun running the treat wheel booth. Of course the school parade and Grant's classroom party were fun times. I always love being at the school and watching the kids interact with their friends. Dane wanted very little to do with dressing up. He ordered a pirate costume, but felt it was a little much on the day of Halloween. He dressed up as a soccer player instead!- ha! Then turned it into a zombie soccer player Halloween night to match Grant who was also a zombie soccer player. Hey- makes my life easy! Evelyn was busy at tech week so she never did get to trick or treat- but she was ok with that, as the kids saved up all of their peanut M&M's and snickers bars. Anna changed her costume about 10 times this Halloween from Aurora to Sophia the First, to a witch to just throwing the whole costume idea out the window all together! It was comical to witness. We put together a fun little spooky haunted candy house, carved pumpkins, painted pumpkins, made caramel popcorn, got together with the Jones to play minute-to-win-it Halloween games and also celebrate Dallas's birthday! We attended our old ward's Trunk or Treat where I dressed up with a couple of my friends to be the witches from Hocus Pocus!!! It was a super fun night and the kids scored big time with all of their treats. We loved seeing on instagram the darling costumes of the Stevens' crews. We enjoyed supporting Blake at Black Mountain Middle school Halloween carnival! We even had our very own parking spot reserved since Blake had sponsored the event. We felt very important. Halloween night was such a blast as we had the Cliffords in town and were able to go around trick or treating with their little family. So fun to have some California cousins! Anna and Mae really hit it off and everyone adored little Nora. We enjoyed so much trick or treating in a nearby neighborhood where many families from our school live. They had that place just absolutely decked out for Halloween! Haunted houses, skeletons watching movies, people dressed up and appearing as statues... it was so much fun!! Ha.....but you see what I mean about a lot of Halloween happenings??
2 years ago