Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Dane is TWELVE

Dane, you are such a great kid.  This past year you grew so much.  You graduated from elementary school and began middle school!  You graduated into the Young Men’s program a little early!  You made it onto Coach McFadden’s SDSC team and had an awesome year of soccer.  You traveled to Seattle, Tucson, St. George, Las Vegas, Mt. Hood Oregon, Pismo Beach and Pheonix, AZ. You watched a USC game in LA at the Coliseum.  You went through two surgeries— a tonsillectomy and an esophagus biopsy.  You played violin in the school band, you went camping with the boy scouts, you played flag football with your buddies, you attended junior lifeguarding camp!  You have kept very busy and we are so proud of all you’ve accomplished.

This year you were very particular about the clothes and accessories you wore.  You wanted an adidas jacket and backpack, vans shoes and nike shirts that were not soccer jerseys!  You saved up your own money to fund all of these items.  You have been so incredibly responsible with your homework and assignments.  You check your grades weekly and always stay on top of your work.  You carpool with a big bunch of fun kids that you enjoy spending time with— one 8th grader and the rest 7th graders.  These are your church friends and they are so kind to you and are good friends.  In your free time, you enjoy watching Dude Perfect, Studio C, camping, fishing and practicing soccer.  You also enjoy spending time with Braxton Jones- your best friend.

Your favorite food is the special chicken at Pick up Stix, or chow mien noodles at Panda Express.  You love cheese-its and BBQ chips.  Your favorite dessert is chocolate chip cookies and funnel cake.  You love to make chicken squares for dinner and when Dad grills hamburgers.  You are a super funny kid and very athletic.  You are organized, clean and tidy, responsible, sensitive, kind to everyone, a peacemaker in our home. You love your little sister and take good care of her.  You tolerate your little brother and try to teach him the right way to behave.  You are very intelligent, a good write and excellent at math.  You are  fun to be around and love to laugh.  You are spiritual, hard working and helpful.  You hate Mondays and you worry about things more than we’d like, but over all, you are a happy and healthy young man who tries every day to make good choices and to do your best. Dane- we are so proud of you and so amazed at how you’ve grown and matured over the past year.  You are such an amazing kid and example to all of us.  We love you Dane!