Evelyn did an absolutely amazing job performing in Aladdin. She wasn't the star as her loyal fans (us) were getting quite used to. But she performed with beauty and grace as an attendee to Jasmine-- played by her best friend Caylie. I was very proud of her for putting in the hard work and effort it takes to perform in such a show, despite having a very minor role. Nothing could make me more proud than watching my child show good sportsmanship and happiness for her friends who are in the limelight. This play was Mrs. Grimes last one after 23 shows! Let's just say that emotions were high watching her pass the baton on to Kara and leave the theatre on the magic carpet! She has been such an incredible influence in Evelyn's life and has taught her so much. Specifically how to choose joy every day and to esteem others higher than yourself. Love this woman with all my heart. I was in charge of Star Grams in the lobby once again and loved being a part of the play in this way. It's been a fun job and I'll miss it!
Of course it was so wonderful to have Grandma here to help with the kids and tend to all the driving/cooking/cleaning and caring! So sweet of Stacy and Herb to drive all the way down as well to support Evelyn. She is a lucky girl to have family that loves and sacrifices for her.
This month I was asked to speak at Women's Conference for the Poway Stake. My topic was Childhood Anxiety - and boy, did I ever feel inadequate-- after the past 6 months in the fire with Grant! I suppose those months probably humbled and taught me more than anything I could ever learn in school. I was thrilled to present and had an awesome time connecting with women in our community about mental health issues.
Blake was in charge of the combined activity this month at church and he just so happened to be stuck with the lovely chore of putting together an escape room TIMES 5!!!! Because we have a lot of youth- ha! I about had a panic attack when I read through the packet and realized all that needed to be done to prepare. But we worked as a team and got it done and the youth really enjoyed it-- and also solved the room and that made it a pretty awesome experience for Blake and I. He rarely asks for my help even though I offer it frequently. I was so glad to help him! Ironically, later in the week- his staff had set up an opportunity for their group to attend an escape room together! I think it's safe to say, he's probably had enough escape rooms for the time being.
This month I've tried to exercise more -- mostly hiking with friends. Here in So Cal- its a pretty cool time to start hiking because of the super bloom all over the mountains. It's definitely a highlight of my weeks to meet up with friends and experience the great outdoors all while exercising! I've also tried to eat better and limit sugar. My diet was getting pretty bad (the meme made me laugh because that was me!)
We haven't had many visitors this month, but it was super fun to have my Mom and Dad in town really quick- like 3 hours quick- for dinner and a walk. They come back in April for longer and we are eagerly awaiting their arrival!
In fun news, we've discovered that our neighbor has an orchard in her backyard and she's happy to let us pick as much fruit as we'd like, whenever we'd like! The kids and I have been having a blast eating oranges, making lemonade, freezing lemons! The only thing better than owning an orchard in your backyard, is having a neighbor own one:)
The boys had such a fun time snowboarding last month that Blake promised to take them again before the season ended. He kept good on his word and they took off super early a few weekends ago for a day of sunshine and skiing. The boys are so lucky to have a dad who would do anything for them! Last weekend, they attended a pro soccer game - Chili verses Mexico! They really have a great time together and I love to watch their relationship grow.
St. Patricks Day was pretty quiet, pretty unimpressive around here. I like to save my energy for April Fool's day- haha! Last minute, a leprachaun did come and leave some mischief. And we made a rainbow fruit platter too! I'm taking Jamie's philosophy that if you do TOO many cool things for your kids surrounding holidays, you are growing their expectations too high for life and they'll end up miserable. That theory makes sense and it works for me in this stage of life when I'm too busy to do much anyhow!
Lastly, I got the great idea that I wanted to learn how to grill so we could eat grilled food every night instead of just on weekends when Blake was up to it. I thought-- "how hard could this be?" Blake does it and I'm a better cook then he is by far! The kids were thrilled. But wow, I need to take some lessons I suppose.... because my hamburgers turned out so burnt that not a one of us could stomach them. Haha! I blame the grill in part. And also me... because I get nervous about undercooking meat. I have a new goal to learn how to grill. I'll get the hang of it!
Fun month though. The greatest joy I experience each month is watching the kids do what they love; watching them grow and try new things. We love spending time out in the backyard, going in the hot tub, hiking around, eating out, just spending time together. Nothing too exciting and yet we do realize how incredibly blessed we are in every way.