Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Kids Update

A few fun highlights this past month:

Evelyn continues to be super interested in photography.  She started an instagram account purely for her photographs  and is enjoying learning more about how to take good pictures.  She is also becoming increasingly interested in calligraphy and is hoping to take a class soon to better her handwriting skills! Love how creative this girl is.  She loves to be involved in artistic endeavors.  Evelyn spent a lot of the break relaxing at home and preparing herself for upcoming Beauty and The Beast Auditions (spoiler alert: she tried out yesterday and was cast last night as Belle!!!!!)  Glad she rested up as she will be ridiculously busy from here on out- ha!  She invited friends over here and there, went ice skating, jumped at Pump it Up, shopped, prepared a little party for her friends from CAMS, and helped out around the house.  Loved not having to nag her about homework.  I'm hoping that SOON she will stop procrastinating and not need her mom to nag her to get her work done.  Here's hoping to the possibility of it in 2018!!! But in all seriousness, Ev is getting more and more mature as each month passes and I truly adore her to pieces.

Dane and Grant had a busy busy month full of soccer prep for state cup and lots of January tournaments.  Both boys attended a futsal camp over the break and it helped them so much, they've decided to take up more futsal!  They are really both so darn good at soccer and it's just the highlight of my weekend to see them play.  In addition to all of the soccer stuff, the boys also started rugby this month.  They are loving it and excited for their first game coming up soon.  I was a little nervous about the roughness factor, but I'm trusting my dear husband on this one and hoping it doesn't do any permanent damage.  At any rate, they are loving it and it's fun to see them branch out and take on a new sport. It's always fun to visit the boys classrooms for holiday parties.  I wasn't able to go to both parties because they were held at the same time, so I went to Dane's.  Loved watching him with his new buddies and seeing that he is such an awesome kid amongst his peers.  Dane is shy, but he is funny and delightful in so many ways.  So proud of him for his hard work at school and on the violin and soccer fields.  He is responsible and kind in every way. I'm excited to start teaching the middle school prep next week: 7 Habits of Successful kids for the 5th grade.

And so grateful for little Grant and the wonderful decisions he almost always makes- haha!  He is really the coolest kid you could imagine and I adore spending time with him.  He also is a gem in the classroom amongst his peers.  As I was preparing for our Christmas Eve, Grant realized he was able to make paper chains pretty effectively.  And so he did just that-- he worked and worked to get the whole house decorated as a favor to me and I was so grateful and proud of him.  He does this often-- he is a sweet and kind person who makes my life happy. 

And little Anna had one heck of a month as she started soccer training!  It was the best part of the month watching that sweet little girl on the soccer field.  She already knows the basics and is pretty darn good if I do say so myself!  Loved watching how intent she was with the ball and the various drills.  The jury is still out as to what will capture her interest most- sports or music!!  She loves both and we are trying to expose her to both as much as possible.  One thing's for sure, whatever she sets her mind to- she will be awesome at.  Anna invited her besties over many times throughout the month and enjoyed playing and crafting with her little buddies.  She loved practicing on the slack line and taking pictures with Evelyn.  She is now a total fan of school (took a few months) but she is loving it and never complains about going anymore.  She is slowly getting better at reading and writing.  She is showing much more interest and I'm so excited about this! Most of the time, we find Anna in her room playing with disney figurines or babies or changing her outfits 10 times a day.  She is the cutest little girl ever.