Monday, November 10, 2014

Grant is FIVE

Can hardly believe this little guy is FIVE!  Grant is my flexible, enthusiastic and fun loving little companion.  He is always up for a good time and loves to cheer and support everyone.   I mean.... just look at the pictures below as evidence!  He is practically bursting with happiness and love!  He is known for saying "sure mom!  easy, peasy!" when asked to do a chore.  We have been so blessed to have his enthusiasm and cheerful attitude in our family these past five years.  Here is an excerpt from my journal for him:

Your Favorite things:  Grant, you are a huge sports fan.  Your favorite thing to do by a long shot is play soccer!  You are on a rec team and for sure the star of the show!  Not only can you score numerous times on any defender, but you can pass beautifully and assist all of your team members.  The coaches love you!  You also play on a club team with Dane and the two of you are quite the pair- although you are 4 and all the other kids six and seven year olds!  They love you no matter… and compliment your heart and passion, and your speed!  You are an outdoor type of kid.  When you aren’t playing soccer, you are typically jumping on the trampoline, collecting apples or lemons from our trees out back, cutting the lemons open and making lemonade, riding your bike, and/or finding rocks and sticks to play with.  You are all boy!!  Sitting and reading or coloring is not a typical pastime, much to your mama’s dismay.  But you will certainly read when asked and you are excellent at working on “homework” aka learning the alphabet letters and sounds.  You  love “Tom and Jerry,” you LOVE legos and hotwheels:  You are a big fan of treats.  Cookies, brownies and chocolate chips in a bowl are your favs.  Your favorite food is chicken sandwiches from Jack in the Box.  You love when Mom makes steak― as long as there is ketchup to go with!  You love primary and love to sing and learn.  You know all of the songs and you have a darling little singing voice.  You enjoy playing on the piano, though you haven’t had lessons.  You like to dance around and listen to music.  You are a wonderful helper and love to bake with me in the kitchen.  You love to imagine and play pretend.  Imaginext toys and super hero toys are a favorite.  You are going to be Hulk for Halloween this year― you relate to him as you consider yourself to be quite strong (and you really are!! stronger than me sometimes!)  You love to spend time with Dad and you and he are great pals.  When together you love to golf and watch soccer or football or basketball on TV.  You also love to play any type of sports together.  You are a wonderful wrestler and have learned a lot in jiujitsu this year!  You listen carefully and can perform all of the moves with grace.  You are such a physical little guy― and very affectionate! 
Ways you’ve grown:  This year you have matured so much!  You are an excellent communicator, you are independent and helpful.  You pick out your own clothes and get ready all on your own every morning― including brushing teeth and sometimes even combing hair!  You are in Transitional Kindergarten this year and although hesitant at first, you have many friends and love your teacher and learning in the classroom.  You have become a wonderful friend this year.  Last year, you spent a lot of time bragging or tattling.  This year, you know better and I’ve seen you help to make others feel special and loved.  I’m so proud of you!  You have many friends and you treat them so kindly.  You are a doting big brother to Anna who adores you.  You love to take care of her and I’ve never seen you  be mean to her.  You are also a great little brother and spend countless hours with Dane playing legos or sports together.  You are a good sport and very flexible. You roll with the punches and are SO tough.  Not much gets you down!  You have a very happy personality and you are enthusiastic and energetic ALWAYS!  It’s so fun to have this energy in our home.  You love life and you show it!  You are a risk taker and up for most anything.  Whenever we say, “who wants to go to…?”  your response is 100 percent “ME, ME!!!”  You want to go and do everything.   You are a great sleeper and always go to bed on time, although sometimes you wake up a little earlier than the rest of the family!  You are a picky eater, but you have a few staples that get you through!  Nachos, cereal, bagels, steak, cheeseburgers!  You have a  wonderful attitude and you are a source of sunshine in our family.  You try your hardest to choose the right and be kind to everyone you meet.

Memories: At the beginning of the summer, we had a scare when I left Anna and Ev in the car and a lady called the police on me!  This frightened you VERY much and actually set you back a little over the summer and start of school!  You have always been happy go lucky and eager to go out on your own, but as you were worried that the police would take me away… you stopped wanting to go to soccer practice without me, to school, or stay with a babysitter.  It’s so unlike your normal behavior, that it’s been sad for our family to see you worry.  But we pray that you will soon go back to your carefree self! You are taking small steps and every day feeling more safe and calm, despite the set back.  This summer we enjoyed traveling to WA for a family reunion with all the cousins.  You loved fishing, swimming in the lake, the big slip in slide and just spending time with cousins and extended family.  We also spent a vacation on the beach in San Juan with Grandma and Grandpa- which was wonderful.  There, you enjoyed boogy boarding, body surfing, collecting shells, making s’mores, and playing soccer on the beach.  Your weeks are always very busy with soccer practice, games, and jiujitsu.  But you love being busy and never seem to need much down time.  You are a sweet little angel boy who makes all of us laugh with your darling sense of humor and happy go lucky nature.  Grant you are so loved in our family and we treasure you so very much!