Sweetest lil' first born daughter turned 10 this month. She's so mature for her age, she seems more like a 13 year old to me! But I'm certainly glad she is only 10. I'm so grateful for Evelyn and her witty, sparkly personality. She is a great help to me; she is interesting and intelligent; a great friend and big sister. She is creative and talented. She is independent and stubborn.... a natural born leader. I love this girl with all my heart. An excerpt from my journal:
Ways you’ve Grown:This year has been a year of so much growth, Evie! You are so very responsible as a forth grade student…. gone are the days of my asking you to complete your homework or get started on your piano/voice practice. You know that these things need to be accomplished first before you can relax and you rarely procrastinate or need my help! You continue to grow into a such a beautiful girl. This year you’ve started to take such great care of yourself… you wash your face every night, you shower more and love more than anything in the world to comb/style/braid your hair. I’ve never pushed any of this on you— it has been all your own ideas! But you always look so nice for school and it is such a treat that you can style your hair so well without my intervention. In fact, you are better at braiding and hair styling than I am! You watch tutorials and then go to work… an instant pro!
This year you have grown in your love of music. You are so talented on the piano and your hard work is paying off. You also started taking voice lessons and have such a great voice. I cannot believe how talented you are, in fact! You love to act and have been in a few plays: Wicked Oz as Dorothey, Off to Neverland (choir), and Snow White (dwarf). You love to be in the limelight and you are amazing at memorizing your lines… you are quite a good actress without any training! This year you have also learned how to knit and crochet and you are excellent at that as well. You love to look up how to do new projects and then quickly get to work. It is amazing to see you create! You have become quite a reader in the last few months. You always have a book with you and enjoy spending quiet time in your room curled up with a good book! You continue to be a fantastic big sister to little Anna who looks up to you as a second mom. You are loving and kind and fun with your siblings (most of the time) and they all adore you! You are brave and not afraid to stand up for the right… you are a leader and a very determined young lady. There is no doubt you will always be two steps ahead of the game in your life… you know exactly what you want!
Favorite Things:Your favorite food is chicken salad sandwiches, BBQ steak, and hamburgers. You love hershey bars and brownies. You are very dramatic and love plays, singing, piano, even started guitar this year— though you are a beginner at this! You still enjoy legos and american girl dolls, though I’m afraid their days are numbered! You love to watch youtube videos instructing how to braid or knit or draw or even mold with clay. You love watching the disney show: “Liv and Maddie”, You like Disney’s “Camp Rock” and “Highschool Musical”. You are taking tap dancing right now and you seem to enjoy dancing more and more these days. You are a great writer and never seem bothered by writing assignments. You are also a great reader and comprehend at a high level. We never need to worry about you in schooL! You love your teacher, Ms. Baker, and enjoy school very much. Your closest friends are: Marilyn Casamalhuapa, Lily Konold and Reha Poulson. You are always singing and making jokes with your family. You have a darling sense of humor that we all enjoy. Occasionally, you are moody and take it out on your brothers… but that is happening less and less and you get the right amount of sleep (thanks to melatonin). Your least favorite activity is attending soccer practice and games… it tends to take up a lot of your life and it bothers you immensely. You love attending activity days and play practice. You are such a great young lady who tries so hard to choose the right. You are eager to complete your faith in God book and you love spending time with your friends from church. You are a great swimmer— so fast and form is perfect! You tried volleyball as well and did a great job of learning the sport and trying your best! you are on the school choir and in a tween sing group. You are a busy busy girl, but you love it!
Memories:a few moments that have made me so proud!: 1.one afternoon after voice lessons, while playing with Sis Dahlquists’ little boys, you heard a phone call in which you realized the boys’ dad would not be flying in as planned. You could sense the disappointment and so you decided to clean up the entire living room and the kids’ room. It was so sweet and thoughtful! 2. I’ve seen you do the very same thing many times for me! You pick up on a frustrating situation and then you disappear with anna and get her bathed and in pajamas for me without my even asking! 3. once I asked you to do better with clearing your cereal bowl and the next morning you cleared and washed the bowl… and left me a sweet note. The morning after you did the same thing, but also washed the boys cereal bowls as well! You love to help out and cheer people up through service. I love when I get a note on my pillow or a crocheted heart or flower in my drawer. You are a very thoughtful and giving daughter and I’m so proud of you! you are bright and creative, funny and clever. You are responsible and talented. You are beautiful inside and out! You are a good friend and a caring sister. We love you so much, Evelyn! You are such an important part of our family!!
Had to include a few of Ev with her biggest fan!