So much to report on for the month of July! AND so little time to do so! I say this, because we are in the midst of packing up our home-- moving out August 20th! It's been a crazy couple of weeks, but we are excited. More on that to come. For now, let me describe the month in a little less detail:)
1. LOTS of beach time and swimming playdates. The kids finished swim lessons last week and Anna is ALMOST swim safe at this point. Still a little terrified to swim without floatie on, but she is progressing. Her most favorite thing to do, bar none, is play with her best little friend, Nora Doud. That, and apparently dance. She tried ballet out this month with a little dancing clinic and it is now a passion. So cute!
2. Braces and Basketball...and a bee sting
Daddy put braces on our sweet little Dane. Poor thing! It was a rough week. You know it stinks when Dane complains-- he is such a good kid and rarely EVER says a word about any pain or discomfort. But he is on the road to recovery and feeling good now. And also looking good I might add! Love his little brace face. The boys just finished out their basketball season UNDEFEATED! With Daddy and Coach Tigh in charge, these boys were pro all the way. Such good little basketball players- it was the perfect Monday night activity to meet over at the RB rec center and usually picnic afterwards for dinner. I'm going to miss this! Love watching my kiddos play basketball:)
Can't forget to report on this most dreaded occurence: Dane was stung by a bee at the pool . I was scared but did what I needed to do! He was rushed to the ER and given steroids (after I'd administered Epi-pen). All was well and it actually wasn't as scary as I had imagined it would be. I'm actually relieved I've been through it now. I won't worry quite as much. I'm a worrier.
3. Sewing and Special Olympics
Evelyn's been learning how to sew from our good friend- Ashley Swenson. She's sewed a pillow case, tote bag and skirt. She is in love with sewing-- almost as much as knitting! It's very cute to see her develop talents and enjoy new skills.
Also had such a wonderful experience with the youth-- volunteering at the Special Olympics! Our girls showed up before the big event and did yoga with the delegates from Ecuador-- the girls basketball team and boys soccer team. They were wonderful cheerleaders and it was an awesome day! I was so glad to be a part of this community volunteer effort. And so proud of my young women!
4. Rustands' Visit!
Such a fun weekend to have the Rustands out! They came quickly this year-- to pick up Ella from theatre camp and watch the performance, but we tried to squeeze as many fun activities as humanly possible into three days! We enjoyed shakes on the pier at Oceanside, a beach day at Del Mar, a movie/pizza/game night and pancake breakfast before they headed off. As always, it was an awesome time and we loved every minute.
5. Balboa Park
I promised Dane a visit to Balboa part to visit the Fleet Science Museum. It was a fun day and I realized, maybe there is more to summer than beaches and swimming playdates! I need to get these kids out more to see some of our amazing San Diego sites. We are so blessed to live in such an awesome city.
2 years ago