Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Evelyn is 13!

Cannot believe I have a teenage daughter!  Ever since this little chick was a wee babe... I thought of the time she would be a teen!  And worried about it. She is so very independent and so very stubborn!   But little did I know that she would also be so extremely capable, talented, fun to be around, and intelligent.  I admire Evelyn and appreciate all of her amazing qualities and though I know I may have a rocky road ahead...parenting in the teenage years.  I look forward to seeing her grow into a young woman with so much to offer the world. Here is an excerpt from her journal:

Ev, you have grown and matured so much this year! You are 5 feet tall and weigh 96 pounds.  You are almost as tall as me!  It is so amazing to watch you grow into a young lady.  You continue to amaze me with your talents and skills and your desire to be so very independent.  You wish more than anything to be fully grown and on your own!  I think you’ve wanted that since you were a wee babe!  You are in 7th grade and home schooled this year  (in a manner of speaking) for a second year and you enjoy it. You attend classes at a charter school three days a week and then work independently on Mondays and Fridays.  And I do mean independently, as I detest trying to help you figure out math!  Dad is a little better, but even he is a poor math teacher!  We are not patient enough, I’m afraid.  So you plug along on your own and do very well.  You are in charge of your work and you are extremely intelligent so it is a good recipe for success.  I think you are the very best at reading and writing.  Your writing samples are outstanding!  You read very quickly and seem to comprehend well.  You also enjoy history and science.  Math is not your favorite, however, you do well enough.  After school, you continue to be involved in musical theatre.  You are an absolutely outstanding singer!  This past week you were asked to sing a solo in our church’s youth variety show.  You were very hesitant, however… you were the star of the show and gained SO much confidence from this performance.  Musical theatre has had it’s ups and downs.  In the spring, you auditioned for Young Nala in Lion King and you got the part!  It was a wonderful four months and you felt very excited and happy.  Over the summer, you attended a theatre camp in which you hoped so badly to be cast as Moana.  This was not meant to be as you were cast as the Grandma instead. You handled your disappointment well, but it was a hard thing.  And then this fall- you’ve been a part of Seussical the Musical.  It’s been fun and though you tried out for the lead of Gertrude, you were cast as a Birdgirl and you’ve enjoyed it.  I’ve been so proud of all your hard work and your attitude despite your disappointments.  I wonder where life will take you in regards to your music/theatre abilities.  You are a fantastic actor singer and dancer.  You may one day be a teacher, or a performer! Or maybe you’ll leave this passion for another.  Its so fun to watch your life unfold because you are always passionate about something and whatever it is that you choose- you are great at it and work with all your heart.

Along with singing, you are continuing in the piano and ukulele.  You are not thrilled about piano lessons and find it to be a burden.  You enjoy learning ukulele though.  You love doing make-up.  This must be one of your favorite pastimes! You love watching videos about hair and make up and then executing the various ideas.  You also love anything scary and you beg to watch scary movies which I most vehemently do NOT want to show you. I did, this year, allow you to see The Sixth Sense.  You liked it and weren’t too afraid— but I hate to allow anything more intense, despite all of your begging.  You love rollercoasters and haunted hayride experiences.  You love shopping and In-N-Out Burgers.  You would eat there every single night of the week if allowed!  You are funny, a little sarcastic at times, confident, always singing and dancing around, curious and very interested in learning so many things!  This year you’ve increased your baking capabilities.  You will try all sorts of difficult recipes like: macaroons, Swig sugar cookies, pumpkin donuts, etc. You are never one to stick with brownies or chocolate chip cookies.  Your favorite treats are s’mores.  You love caesar salad and steak.  You enjoy watching The Office (certain episodes) and action packed movies like Mission Impossible and Jurassic Park.  You have many friends who love you.  You are not the most social….you’re actually a bit introverted!  However, no one on earth would ever know it.  You have so many friends who constantly ask for you to come over or hang out or attend parties or events.  You 70 percent of the time would rather just relax at home.  Your closest friend is Emma Metten from school and theatre.  You also spend a lot of time with Reha Poulson from church.  We moved this summer and you’ve LOVED the new youth group and ward.  You were a little nervous at first, but it’s been an awesome group of young girls and boys and you’ve fit right in and enjoyed spending time with them.  You teach lessons in young women and are never nervous, you speak in church and find it a simple and easy task.  You are very courageous when it comes to these sorts of things!

You still have a hard time falling asleep at night and would prefer to go to bed at 11pm and wake at 8 am or 9am.  You still struggle with finding a good balance in the food department.  Many foods upset your stomach, but you’ve worked hard to avoid junk food during the school week and know what types of foods will sit well.  It makes me sad that food is not an easy thing for you…. but I try to remind myself that everyone has burdens in life and this is one you have to carry!  I am proud of how you’ve overcome most of your anxiety centered around these food issues.  You have a very special relationship with Anna.  She crawls into your bed every night and its very sweet.  You are starting to be kinder and more interested in your brothers, however, you despise being made to go to soccer practice or games!  You are not the “sporty” type as of yet.  I still hold out hope that you might enjoy tennis or volleyball.  You are going to try volleyball after the play!  Evelyn, you are a unique and wonderful little person. You are a leader, a problem solver.  You are competent and mature and excited about life.  You are intelligent and talented and stubborn, yet not too stubborn.  You are creative and fun.  I love being your mom and am so grateful that you are a part of our family.  I love learning from you and spending time together. I’ve always feared the teenage years for you as you are quite head-strong… however, this year has been one of so much growth that I’m not as worried anymore.  We’ll get through it!  And I’m excited to see what your life holds in store for you!  I’m sure it will be incredible.  Happy 13th Birthday.